MDs 100WC first entry


Do you know what happened yesterday? There was a dog, this dog was alone with no friends but I found him. I took the little dog home, I gave him milk, food and a place to sleep. “Good night!” I said to the dog and I gave him a name, Max. the next day Max was very happy but he didn’t want to go outside to buy a shirt so I went by myself. When I came back I went to my bedroom and the dog was wearing glasses! Max was reading a book! I took the glasses and read the book, it was about food, he was hungry.

HN first 100WC


Once upon a time there was a dog, his was Luke. One day he found a pair glasses. He tried to put them on his friend John. John helped but for a price. He wanted a lot of bananas (John was a monkey). Luke found the bananas but he had no money so he had to steal them. He got a plan at night, he would crawl through the vents and he would get the bananas. Now it was night time, the plan was a go. He got the bananas. One day after and the dog was wearing glasses.

AB First 100WC challenge


One day I was walking home in the rain eating my sandwich under my umbrella. When I walked in the house I saw my dog Jojo eating the same sandwich I just ate. When I looked around he was on top of my giant screen TV. I went upstairs to my bed to watch videos on my phone. My dog was in my bed and the dog was wearing glasses. I could see him but I could hear him barking downstairs. I saw a portal on my bedroom wall so I went through it. I was in Minecraft being controlled by Jojo. Weird!

RCs 100WC entry


Do you know what I just saw? Well, I’ll tell you then. Yesterday, I was walking home with my new glasses on and I found a dog. It was all alone so I brought it into my house. Now, this is where it gets creepy. I went upstairs to my room and the dog was downstairs. I left me glasses on my bed and I went downstairs and the dog was wearing glasses! I went back to my room and my glasses were on my bed. I went back downstairs and the dog was gone.

L.K.s Entry for the weeks 100WC


“Bubblegum wafers?” Pen Personal asked her cooking group. Pen, Lizzlora, Amy, Poppy and Maggiebelle were all attending the first cooking class at GGMG (Girls, Girls, More Girls Academy for girls). The four girls had been placed in a group and they wouldn’t hesitate to become friends ASAP. “Snappy, but no thanks” Lizzlora said as she scanned Easy Beginners Cookbook volume five Breads and Pastries. “Marshmallow Puffs?” Poppy offered. “Yum!” Maggiebelle sighed dreamily at the page. The five finally decided on a fro-yo cake topped with marshmallow puffs. Later, a group was presenting their dish, a cotton candy dog and the dog was wearing glasses.

LK grade 5

Room 3 “we do” 100 word challenge


This our first 100 word challenge entry! In room 3 we are following Regie Routmans writing strategies. For our first entry we are submitting our collaborative piece:

Once upon a time there was a professor named Rick who was friends with a scientist. They liked to perform experiments. One day an experiment went wrong and Rick turned into a purple crocodile. It was going to be difficult to turn Rick back but the scientist didn’t give up finding an antidote. There was one antidote but the plant he needed was in a dangerous jungle. He went to the jungle where there were many twists and turns. When he reached the place where the plant grew a tiger jumped out! The scientist grabbed the plant and ran for his life. He made it back to his lab and made the antidote. Rick was happy to be human again.

International Dot Day


“International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009.” This fits in perfectly with our learning of GROWTH MINDSET. 

Room 3 celebrated International Dot Day on Friday by participating in a variety of Dot centres. Each centre encouraged friends to think, collaborate and create. It was wonderful to see a class who have only been together for 7 days come together and have fun. There were 5 centres that included two art activities, a Dot Day collaborative story activity and a Dot scavenger hunt. It was hard to tell which one was their favourite since they were all smiles for each one.

At the conclusion of the centres, each friend had to write in their agenda about their favourite centre. So many just couldn’t decide and write that they liked them all! Awesome! Mine was the collaborative writing activity. They really surpassed my expectations by how much they worked together to create their  own stories.

I ❤️ International Dot Day!


And we’re off! It’s only Wednesday and we have done so much. We began the week kicking off our Mindset learning. They already have an amazing insight on what is a set/fixed mindset & what is a growth mindset. Yay! We will continue to develop and nurture our mindset beliefs throughout the year with a variety of activities. Below is the video that we watched and then discussed during math…

Maker Monday

On Monday we created, created, created. We started the day with creating our favourite things. Each friend had an opportunity to have the group guess what they had created and then talk about their favourite item. Then we created words with our BOGGLE game, multiplication facts with playing cards and we even created our own agenda message. We ended the day with a paper STEM challenge. Working in groups, they had four pieces of paper 📝 to build a structure that can support books 📚. Each team tested out their structure to see how many books 📚 it could support. It was fantastic to see their team work and creative ideas 💡 Bravo!


The First Two Days


The first two days were busy and fantastic! We’re a big class but we’re fabulous. As a classsromm community we discussed and then set classroom expectations so we can ensure a safe and caring learning environment. Each one of us deserves to walk into our classroom knowing that it is a safe environment where we will be treated with RESPECT. Without this, how will we learn? As we go into the first full week of school we will continue to work together to build upon the classroom routines, expectations and more importantly build friendships.

Learning about classroom expectations is important but connecting with my students and having them connect with each other is a crucial part of creating  a strong classroom community. In the first two days we’ve taken the time to do some “getting to know you” activities. Thursday afternoon they worked together to “unlock” the mystery box by solving riddles and then unscrambling the mystery word. Inside the box was playdough that we used on Friday for a fun morning meeting activity. Using the playdough we had to create something that the rest of the class may not already know about us. So fun!

The grade 5/6 classes have our own recess times, 10:15 AM and 2PM. As a classroom community we want to make sure that recess is a fun and safe experience for all our friends. On Friday we created a long list of possible recess games and then we voted to see which ones were the favourites. One friend suggested that we connect one recess game to a day on our six cycle. For example, on day 1 all 5/6 students are invited to play freeze tag, day 2 basketball and so on. Love when ideas come from my students! This week we are going to take the time to play the games and then work together to create a schedule. Excited to see how their ideas will play out.

As we go into the first full week of school, I am excited to see how we will grow as a community. We will begin the week with learning together about mindset, set vs growth and how a growth mindset is important in all aspects of our learning. Also, I will be taking the time to get to know my students on an acedemic level so we can get going with math workshop and ELA centres.

Its going to be a great week!

Welcome to Room 3


Dear Parents,

It is a pleasure to have your child in my class. To start the year off right, I am constructing this blog to help you stay connected with our classroom. It is my first time offering a blog for my students and their families so please be patient as there will be a few bumps along the way. This blog will serve as our class newsletter as it will keep you informed of classroom and school happenings. Also, you will find links to curricular websites that we are using in the classroom. Our classroom also has a Twitter account @Rm3NinjaWarrior. I will be using Twitter for quick reminders, connecting with other classrooms and I will also Tweet out any interesting information that I would like to share with our room 3 families.  I will not be posting pictures of my students faces or their names. You are welcome to leave comments on this site. I ask that your comments are positive and supportive to our classroom learning community. If you need to ever reach me to discuss a personal matter please contact the school to make an appointment. 

Its going to be a fantastic year!

Mrs. Marshall


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